The Tricryptogon

Banny And Lissa
by Dave Lerner

Sorry about the absence. I hope to be back by September 15 October 6, with a full explanation. Or, at least, a decent excuse.

Literally literally means literally.
(Refresh for a different message)
Part 1: Ante Up
Chapter 19: The Decision

Lissa had made her decision. She would become a gonner. She'd convince Banny to join her, and the hell with the rest of the world!

The cup was slipping. She held it tightly, both hands. And her ring tapped against it.

The Ring! The gonner-phlegm must be all over the Ring! For a second she expected... an explosion or something. Could a Ring of Beneficience and gonner hell-snot coexist?

Apparently they could. Maybe that meant Banny and Lissa could still use the Rings, along with their new gonner powers. That would make Banny happy.

Banny would become a gonner, if she asked him to. He trusted her.

The Ring... Banny...

Liss stared at the gonner. "In my entire life, I could count the people who trusted me, the people who thought I was worth something, on the fingers of one hand, even if you don't call a thumb a finger. Now a major entity, the Good, no less, calls me worthy, and what do I do? I betray it the first chance I get?"

She threw the slime at Chuckie. It flew surprisingly well, getting him in the face.

Chuckie staggered back. Apparently even gonners aren't fully immune to muck. His eyes burned, and he could barely speak or even breathe. He screamed, "YOU MUCKING LITTLE RUNT!" or something similar.

Oh, well. She had had her chance. A Worthy One would have been a great addition to the Gonspiracy, and he would have earned boucoup power for bringing her in. But killing her would be almost as good.

Especially if he could salvage her underwear!

Lissa tried to bring up the cat. As she concentrated she felt that same sense of mass she had felt in Chuckie's office. Except this time she was able to expand it to all her clothes. She could transform, let her clothes disappear, and they'd reappear around her when she was done, instead of falling off of her like the last time she fought a gonner.

Her earrings and finger- and toenail polish, no problem. Ditto her fillings. Her bra (yellow with a bow in the middle, yes, Chuckie, you were right), panties, and socks were light enough, she could shift them. Her jeans were relatively heavy, but she really really wanted to keep them, so she'd make the extra effort. But her blouse... the gonner magic hadn't completely faded. There was no way she was strong enough yet, even if she shifted nothing else. She decided to let her sneakers stay behind as well, to give her more strength for her jeans.

Chuckie spat a small fireball at Lissa. Or, at least, where Lissa was. Her blouse fell to the ground, on top of her sneakers, and a black and yellow cat shot out of it. The ball hit the wall, leaving a scorchmark. The cat ran and Chuckie grabbed the blouse, wiped off his face with it.

"This whole place is flammable!" he said. "I can survive the explosion. Can you? Or is it inflammable? Which one means go boom? Anyway, I rather not blow up the place if I don't have to, so why don't you just surrender now?"

She jumped up to the rim of the acid vat.

"Am I supposed to lunge at you and fall into the acid?"

"Yeah, you are. Uh, were," said the cat, in a higher-pitched version of Lissa's voice. She leapt to the floor, and changed.

She did not become fully human. Instead she grew to about four and a half feet tall, standing on the balls of her feet, not her normal five foot one. She was fur-covered and had a long tail. Her fingers were stubby, and she had retractable claws on her hands and feet. Her head looked like a slightly humanized cat-head, with whiskers, and ears on top. Even her eyes had slit pupils.

"Helllllooo, Kitty," Chuckie said, smiling and leering.

Lissa realized she was naked. Sort of. She had fur, but it didn't really hide anything. And she had a big ol' human-style, albeit fur-covered, butt! Being naked was one thing when you were a real cat, but right now she practically human! She brought her tail through her legs to cover her lower front, and put her hands across her chest.

Ohmigod! I've got four boobs! No, six!!

Chuckie came at Lissa, but she dodged with superhuman agility. She leapt over and around and around, forcing the muscle-bound nail-gun to follow her, guiding him to just where she wanted him. She needed her tail to balance, but she also needed it to keep from showing more than she had to to Pervert-Boy, who kept ducking low and looking up with every jump!

Go to Chapter 18: Where Everybody Knows Your Name, And They Want To Eat Your Brains

Go to Chapter 20: Knock-Down Drag-out

Bring your friends into the Gonspiracy! Tell them about Banny And Lissa and get their eternal gratitude, and a chance to win $10,000 and a Sony DVD Player, because using your friends for your own personal enrichment, and having them owe you for it, is the gonner way!
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Copyright © 2003 Dave Lerner Stories
(note that to use the mailto you'll need to edit it in your 'send to' window. I apologize, but I've already lost one address to spam, and if I get inundated again, I won't have time to read your letters.) - All Rights Reserved. Note that this includes images of the Tricryptogon, and the name "Tricryptogon".